Kimberly Williams has a passion to empower and encourage individuals spiritually, relationally and educationally. She firmly believes that there are “No Limits” which would prevent a child of God from achieving their destiny or goal. Kimberly accepted Christ as a child, but later experienced a total transformation when she re-dedicated her life to Him in 2002. Several months later she was filled with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. She has developed a deep prayer life and has been involved in Intercessory Prayer at Praise Church since 2010, attending early on Sunday mornings in order to come in agreement with other prayer warriors, as together they bombarded heaven, believing for divine intervention and a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit in our services and region. From 2004-2005 she dedicated her evenings to come to the church and minister to people on the Live Call-In Prayer Line, as the Bilbos television program was broadcast.
She ministered to and prayed for an untold amount of people during those programs. In March of 2018, Kimberly began hosting the Intercessory Prayer phone calls for the ministry on Saturdays. She has served on the Worship Team for Praise Church for 12 years, serving as a Co-Assistant Worship Leader to Bethany Bilbo-Rasmussen. Kimberly is not only pursuing the depths of the Spirit of God, but she is also pursuing success within her career. Kimberly Williams holds a degree in Business Administration and Economics, in addition to an Alternative Certification in Education from Southern University at New Orleans. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction for K-12 from Grand Canyon University.
Ms. Williams is an alumnus of the Leading Educators Fellowship Program and TeachNOLA. She is responsible for implementing Louisiana State Approved Tier I network-wide curriculum, ensuring success in teaching and learning. Kimberly is a visionary leader and educator with more than 18 years of experience as a successful teacher, curriculum leader, school administrator, and a strategic planner for school improvement at the school and district level. She has extensive experience in professional development and the supervision of diverse learning groups. Kim’s teaching and leadership career has been directed toward the empowerment of students, parents, and teachers.
She has a strong desire to educate young minds and help them develop into well rounded, responsible, and successful individuals. Throughout the course of her career, she has had the pleasure of teaching, coaching and mentoring diverse groups of educators.